Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Week 13 (CHC)

This week we turn our attention to the photo essay and what you will need to put it together.  On Monday we explored the pedagogical basis for this assignment.  We talked about how in the first essay you focused on paying attention to the relationship between structure and content; in the second essay you were asked to choose a topic from one of your notebook entries and in doing so practiced the skill of determining and limiting a topic; in this third essay, you are being asked to collaborate with up to three other students and create a focused, coherent essay.  Doing so will require an increased awareness of revision and editing.

The essay will need to have a strong introduction (at least two paragraphs), include six photographs and six paragraph length captions, and a conclusion (at least two paragraphs).  As with other essays, the text should have a strong main point or dominant impression, photographs and captions should complement each other.  The writing should be evocative and in a way provide an inner view of the image provided.

You will need to use Storify to create your text.  Once you create an account, provide your group members editing rights.  You can do this under settings.  The essay is due before class on December 10.

  • Scoring rubric (Take a look at how the essay will be evaluated.)
  • Pictory (This is the website we looked at in class.  It inspired the assignment.)

Grammar in Your Notebook
Last week you had a number of grammar links we wanted you to respond to in your notebooks.  This week we are asking you to go back to Essay #2 in Turnitin and choose two pesky grammar issues that were labeled by the system.  Complete the following:
  1. Write down the sentence(s) with the error.
  2. Summarize the description of the error from the handbook link.
  3. Provide a corrected version of the sentence.
  4. If you have any questions regarding the issue, write down your questions in your notebook.
Shanty 2012
One last thing, Shanty 2012 was an awesome event.  A big thank you to all of you who participated and worked incredibly hard!  If you participated, please stop by my office this week so we can go over the last steps to earn your 100 extra credit points.

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